About Market Forecast

At Market Forecast, we understand that market intelligence is more than just data analysis and technology - it's about human expertise and interpretation. We specialize in providing high-quality market intelligence studies and consulting for clients in the Defence, Space, Aviation, and Aerospace sector.

Our team of experienced analysts and researchers combines market and analytical skills with ongoing development of new data collection methods and analysis technology. This unique approach allows us to offer market research that is cost-effective, up-to-date, and directly available. We support our clients with custom market research and publish 25 to 30 intelligence studies each year that are available as single reports or as subscription to all.

Our intelligence studies cover a range of areas, including market analysis, technology and developments, company analysis, market overview, market forecast, and country analysis. These studies provide valuable insights into market opportunities and support clients in developing their market strategy.

The studies are available to our customers in the Intelligencebase. Besides the studies provides this platform an increasing number of tools.

Intelligence Studies - Market Analysis, Technologies and developments, company analysis, market overview, market forecast, country analysis

We provide valuable market intelligence to governments and industries around the world and are proud to have built up a good relationship with an extensive list of institutes and leading companies in the market.

“Our purpose is to help our customers make well-informed, knowledge-based decisions by providing high-quality market intelligence based on open-source data"


Market Forecast is a brand of the privately owned company ASD Media BV and is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in Europe. We have a small but highly educated and international staff supported by subject matter experts, and a management team that consists of the company founders. The company exists for over fifteen years and has extensive experience in market research, computer modelling, and online products.

ASD Media’s roots are in the Aerospace and Defence markets. In 2001 we started with the Aerospace and Defence Network (asd-network.com). The website had a network/portal function and contained news, source (company) data, and later on also events and reports information related to these markets. ASD Network is now ASDNews

We have selected 25 topics for new intelligence studies in 2024. Request our brouchure below to see our available studies and the new topics for 2024.

Market Forecast Intelligence Studies

“New technology in combination with solid analysts expertise forms market intelligence that creates your competitive advantage"