The 12 months subscription is used by the defence and aerospace companies, governments, and institutes, and gives direct access to the
Intelligencebase with all our market intellligence studies. You will be fully up to date on the Defence, Aerospace, Aviation, and Space markets, and in control of all relevant market developments. We have over 90 studies available and each year we release more than 25 new studies.
Intelligencebase has a download option for each study and related data. When you have a requirement for more than 5 studies per year this is the best choice.

Current customers who are using this service are research organizations, OEM's, 1st and 2nd tiers. The studies are especially of interest to market- and strategy analysts, and business developers and their managers.
All the released studies are available on our
Intelligence Studies page.
If you want to know more on our
company and our research approach please go to "Market Forecast" in the menu bar. Here is also our
vendor information available.
We offer three annual subscriptions based on two different licence types: Site, and Enterprise. The single and five user licences are only available for single report purchases. Licence details are available below. The users are registered at the licence and get access to the