Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2031

Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2031

Market forecasts by Region, Platform, and Systems. Market and Technology Overview, Country, Impact and Opportunity Analysis, and Leading Company Profiles

With the increase of GNSS-dependent military platforms, there is an increase in jamming and interference devices to counter the efficiency of such platforms. There is rapid development in jammers and that forces countries especially those with electronic warfare to either modify and modernize existing GNSS systems or develop new ones to tackle growing jamming issues.

This study provides the transforming industry of GNSS anti-jamming solutions for military applications. It reveals the strategies behind new technology reforms of anti-jam antennas and receivers and provides market opportunities hidden in the latest technology developments.

The study discusses technology adoption patterns for new anti-jamming technologies in various military organizations across the world. The report throws light on how various countries are preparing themselves for the new norms in electronic warfare and issues of jamming electronic munitions, aircraft, and battleships.

Many platforms using conventional anti-jamming methods and algorithms will need to replace their old technologies. The change has begun and it will see an acceleration from 2024. Before that many platforms will run tests and pilot projects. Those who have already started with the tests will rule the new electronic warfare authority.

In the US and Europe, emphasis is more on the precision of PNT data by developing Assured PNT solutions is a growing field of technical and operation strategy. The US is stronger on developing APNT solutions and will be supplying the technology to European allies for laboratory and field testing from 2021. Anticipating the growing tensions in the South China Sea, the US is preparing a new set of satellites, ground segment and anti-jamming, APNT solutions for ground, air, and seaborne platforms. The new solutions with anti-jamming and precision PNT capacities will be integrated into over 700 platforms

The study "Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems - Market and Technology Forecast to 2031" offers a detailed analysis of the global military GNSS anti-jamming market over the next eight years, and provides market size forecasts. Furthermore, it covers key technological and market trends in the industry and analyzes factors influencing demand for Military GNSS Anti-jamming systems.

The GNSS anti-jamming market will grow from US$ 775 million in 2023 to US$ 2,960.7 million in 2031. The major growth of the market is anticipated from 2027 when the majority of deployments of new GNSS anti-jamming technology developments will take place in GPS Operational Control System (OCX), Assured PNT and M-code enabled antenna and receivers. You can learn more about these developments inside the report.


In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the following

  • Overview: Snapshot of the Military GNSS Anti-jamming market during 2021 - 2029, including highlights of the demand drivers, trends, and challenges. It also provides a snapshot of the spending concerning regions as well as by application, types, and platforms. It sheds light on the emergence of new platforms like APNT devices CRPA s and M-code enabled receivers.
  •  Market Dynamics: Insights into the technological developments in the space programs and anti-jam antennas and receivers and a detailed analysis of the changing war preferences of defense agencies around the world. It also analyzes changing industry structure trends and the challenges faced by the industry participants.
  • Segment Analysis: Insights into the Military GNSS Anti-jamming market from a segmental perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each segment.
  • Regional Review: Insights into present Military GNSS Anti-jamming market strength and future demand for top countries within a region.
  • Regional Analysis: Insights into the Military GNSS Anti-jamming market from a regional perspective and a detailed analysis of factors influencing the market for each region.
  • Trend Analysis - Key Defense Market: Analysis of the key markets in each region, providing an analysis of the Military GNSS Anti-jamming market platforms expected to be in demand in each region.
  • Key Program Analysis: Details of the top programs in the Military GNSS Anti-jamming market are expected to be executed during the forecast period.
  • Competitive landscape analysis: Analysis of competitive landscape of the global Military GNSS Anti-jamming market industry. It provides an overview of key defense companies, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a brief financial analysis.

Segmentation covered in this report

The market is segmented based on Region, Platform, and Systems:

  • North America
  • South America
  • Europe
  • Middle East & Africa
  • Asia Pacific

Platform (by Type, System Element)
  • Aircraft 
  • Maritime 
  • Army Vehicles
  • Handheld Devices 
  • Munitions 

  • Antennas 
  • Receivers 
  • Software

Country Analysis

  • US
  • Europe
  • UK
  • Germany
  • Russia
  • China
  • Japan
  • India

Reasons to buy

  • Determine prospective investment areas based on a detailed trend analysis of the Military GNSS Anti-jamming market over the next eight years
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the underlying factors driving demand for different Military GNSS Anti-jamming platforms in the top spending countries and other potential non-U.S. markets across the world and identify the opportunities offered by each of them
  • Strengthen your understanding of the market in terms of demand drivers, industry trends, and the latest technological developments, among others.
  • Identify the major channels that are driving the global Military GNSS Anti-jamming market, providing a clear picture of future opportunities that can be tapped, resulting in revenue expansion.
  • Channelize resources by focusing on the ongoing programs that are being undertaken by the defense ministries of different countries within the global Military GNSS Anti-jamming market.
  • Make correct business decisions based on thorough analysis of the total competitive landscape of the sector with detailed profiles of the Military GNSS Anti-jamming systems providers around the world which include information about their products, alliances, recent contract wins and financial analysis wherever available

Related studies:

1       Introduction
1.1  Scope
1.2  Methodology
1.3  Who will benefit from this study?

2       Executive Summary
2.1  Trends and Insights
2.2  Main Findings
2.3  Key Conclusions

3       Technologies and Developments
3.1  Overview
3.1.1      Digital Anti-jamming System
3.1.2      Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM)
3.1.3      HGPST-T Receiver
3.2  Advanced GNSS Anti-jamming Receivers
3.2.1      M-Code Receivers
3.3  GNSS Anti-Jamming Antennas
3.3.1      Fixed reception pattern antennas (FRPA)
3.3.2      Controlled Reception-Pattern Antennas (CRPA)
3.4  Recent Considerable Developments
3.4.1      Multichannel Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna
3.4.2      Ground-Based Mounted Assured PNT (MAPS) for Army Vehicles
3.4.3      Dismounted Assured PNT (DAPS) in Handheld Devices for Foot Soldiers
3.4.4      Platform-Dedicated Anti-Jam Electronics
3.4.5      Immune Satellite Navigation System (iSNS)
3.4.6      Anti-Jamming GNSS System for Unmanned Vehicles

4       Market Overview
4.1  Introduction
4.2  GNSS Anti-jamming market volume distribution over the forecast period by Region
4.3  Approaches to Military GNSS Anti-Jamming
4.4  Competitive Landscape
4.5  Digital Antijamming: Future of Anti-jamming Systems

5       Market Analysis and Forecast Factors
5.1  Market Segmentation
5.2  Drivers
5.3  Trends
5.4  Opportunities
5.5  Challenges

6       Country Analysis
6.1  The US
6.1.1      New GPS Satellites
6.1.2      Next-Generation Operational Control System (OCX)
6.1.3      Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) programs
6.1.4      Protected Anti-Jam Tactical SATCOM (PATS)
6.2  Europe
6.3  UK
6.3.1      GAARDIAN
6.3.2      Chelton CPRA Antenna System
6.3.3      Cobham Anti-jam System
6.3.4      Landshield
6.4  Germany
6.4.1      GALANT
6.5  Russia
6.6  China
6.7  Japan
6.8  India

7       Global and Regional Market Forecast to 2031
7.1  Introduction
7.2  GNSS Anti-jamming Systems market by Region overview
7.3  Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform
7.3.1      North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform
7.3.2      Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform
7.3.3      APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform
7.3.4      MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform
7.3.5      South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Regions by Platform
7.4  Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Market Regions by System Element
7.4.1      North America Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element
7.4.2      Europe Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element
7.4.3      APAC Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element
7.4.4      MEA Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element
7.4.5      South America Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems Market by System Element
7.5  Opportunity Analysis
7.5.1      By Region

8       Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform
8.1  Introduction
8.2  Overview
8.3  Military GNSS Anti-jamming Platforms Market by Region
8.3.1      GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Army Vehicles Market by Region
8.3.2      GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Handheld Devices Market by Region
8.3.3      GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Military Aircraft Market by Region
8.3.4      GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Marine Platforms Market by Region
8.3.5      GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Munitions Market by Region
8.4  Opportunity Analysis
8.4.1      By Platform

9       Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element
9.1  Introduction
9.2  Overview
9.3  Military GNSS Anti-jamming System Element Market by Region
9.3.1      GNSS Anti-jamming Antenna Market by Region
9.3.2      GNSS Anti-jamming Receiver Market by Region
9.3.3      GNSS Anti-jamming System Supporting Software Market by Region
9.4  Opportunity Analysis
9.4.1      By System Element

10    Impact Analysis
10.1    Introduction
10.2    Forecast Factors and Market Impact

11    Leading Companies
11.1    Antcom Corporation
11.1.1    Introduction
11.1.2    GNSS Anti-jam - Products and Services
11.1.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.1.4    SWOT Analysis
11.2    BAE Systems
11.2.1    Introduction
11.2.2    GNSS Anti-jam - Products and Services
11.2.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.2.4    SWOT Analysis
11.3    Chelton (Cobham) Limited
11.3.1    GNSS Anti-jam- Products & Services
11.3.2    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.3.3    SWOT Analysis
11.4    Elbit Systems
11.4.1    GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.4.2    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.4.3    SWOT Analysis
11.5    General Dynamics
11.5.1    GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.5.2    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.5.3    SWOT Analysis
11.6    Hertz Systems
11.6.1    GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.6.2    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.6.3    SWOT Analysis
11.7    Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)
11.7.1    Introduction
11.7.2    GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.7.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.7.4    SWOT Analysis
11.8    Lockheed Martin
11.8.1    Introduction
11.8.2    GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.8.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.8.4    SWOT Analysis
11.9    Mayflower Communications Company Inc.
11.9.1    Introduction
11.9.2    GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.9.3    Recent Developments and Contracts
11.9.4    SWOT Analysis
11.10  NovAtel Inc. (Hexagon)
11.10.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.10.2 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.10.3 SWOT Analysis
11.11  Orolia (Acquired by Safran)
11.11.1 Introduction
11.11.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.11.3 SWOT Analysis
11.12  Raytheon
11.12.1 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.12.2 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.12.3 SWOT Analysis
11.13  Thales
11.13.1 Introduction
11.13.2 GNSS Anti-jam - Products & Services
11.13.3 Recent Developments and Contracts
11.13.4 SWOT Analysis

12    Results and Conclusions

13    About Market Forecast
13.1    General
13.2    Contact us
13.3    Disclaimer
13.4    License
Appendix A:         Companies Mentioned
Appendix B:         Abbreviations


List of figures

Figure 1: Military GNSS Anti-jamm Systems market summary by Region [US$ million]
Figure 2: Market volume growth over the forecast period per region
Figure 3: Market Segmentation and Sub-Segmentation Military GNSS Anti-Jamming Systems
Figure 4: The US GPS Modernization Plan
Figure 5: OCX Delays to Cause  Cost and Schedule Baseline Growth
Figure 6: Depiction of GPS user equipment integration
Figure 7: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 8: Global Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [%]
Figure 9: North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million]
Figure 10: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million]
Figure 11: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million]
Figure 12: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million]
Figure 13: South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million]
Figure 14: North America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Figure 15: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Figure 16: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Figure 17: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Figure 18: South America Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Figure 19: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by Region
Figure 20: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by Region
Figure 21: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Platform [US$ million]
Figure 22: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Army Vehicles Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 23: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Handheld Devices Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 24: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Aircraft Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 25: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Marine Platforms Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 26: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Systems for Munitions Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 27: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by Platform
Figure 28: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by Platform
Figure 29: Global Military GNSS Anti-jamming Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Figure 30: Military GNSS Anti-jamming Antenna Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 31: Military GNSS Receiver Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 32: Military GNSS Anti-jamming System Supporting Software Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Figure 33: Military GNSS Anti-Jamming market size, 2023-2031 (US$ Million) by System Element
Figure 34: Military GNSS Anti-jamming market CAGR, 2023-2031 by System Element
Figure 35: GNSS Anti-Jamming market forecast to 2031 Scenario I Vs. Scenario II

List of tables

Table 1: Military GNSS Anti-jamm Systems market summary by Region [US$ million]
Table 2: GPS Modernization Investment Breakout
Table 3: GPS III Satellite Launch Program
Table 4: MGUE Increment 1 and 2 Program
Table 5: GLONASS Satellite Constellations
Table 6: BeiDou Satellite Generations
Table 7: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 8: North America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 9: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 10: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 11: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 12: South America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 13: North America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Table 14: Europe Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Table 15: APAC Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Table 16: MEA Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Table 17: South America Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Table 18: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 19: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Army Vehicles Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 20: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Handheld Devices Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 21: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Aircraft Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 22: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Marine Platforms Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 23: Military GNSS Anti-jam Systems for Munitions Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 24: Global Military GNSS Anti-jam Market Forecast to 2031 by System Element [US$ million]
Table 25: Military GNSS Anti-jam Antenna Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 26: Military GNSS Receiver Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 27: Military GNSS Anti-jam System Supporting Software Market Forecast to 2031 by Region [US$ million]
Table 28: GNSS Anti-Jamming market forecast to 2031 RDT&E Scenario I Vs. Scenario II [US$ million]
Table 29: Antcom Company SWOT Analysis
Table 30: BAE System plc Company SWOT Analysis
Table 31: Chelton Company SWOT Analysis
Table 32: Elbit Company SWOT Analysis
Table 33: General Dynamics Company SWOT Analysis
Table 34: Hertz Systems Company SWOT Analysis
Table 35: IAI Company SWOT Analysis
Table 36: Lockheed Martin Company SWOT Analysis
Table 37: Mayflower Communications Company SWOT Analysis
Table 38: Novatel Company SWOT Analysis
Table 39: Safran (Orolia) Company SWOT Analysis
Table 40: Raytheon Company SWOT Analysis
Table 41: Thales Company SWOT Analysis
BAE Systems
Collins Aerospace
General Dynamics
Hertz Systems Ltd Sp. z o. o.
L3 Harris
Lockheed Martin
Mayflower Communications Company Inc.

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