Amsterdam, NL - July 27, 2023 -
The defence landscape has evolved dramatically over the years, with a strong emphasis on advanced technologies and cutting-edge platforms. However, one crucial element that often remains overlooked yet forms the backbone of combat operations is ammunition. As the world witnesses the unfolding events of the Ukraine-Russian war, the western world recognizes the paramount importance of ammunition production increase and the strategic implications it holds for the future of modern warfare.
The escalating conflict in Ukraine has underscored the significance of being prepared for high-intensity warfare, where ammunition plays a pivotal role in determining operational success. Invaluable lessons that the ongoing war has provided, highlights the need for substantial improvements in light weapons ammunition to equip ground troops for engaging adversaries at longer distances while ensuring greater impact force on targets.
Through meticulous market research and a thorough analysis of the evolving geopolitical landscape the Market Forecast study displays profound insights into the strategic implications of ammunition production. The market intelligence study “Military Ammunition - Market and Technology Forecast to 2031” includes a detailed analysis of the Military Ammunition market in terms of calibre sizes, end-users and regions. The study also provides key technological developments and maps the ammunition production infrastructure in major countries all over the world.
About Market Forecast
5.56 NATO ammunition
Publish date: December 2022 - Pages: 161
Publish date: January 2023 - Pages: 147
Publish date: April 2023 - Pages: 131